faster-rcnn.pytorch copied to clipboard
how can i improve the accuracy for this model and could anyone help me to increase the loss percentage
how can i improve the accuracy for this model and could anyone help me to increase the loss percentage.
Thanking you !
[session 1][epoch 25][iter 100/ 107] loss: 0.3858, lr: 1.00e-07 fg/bg=(4/1020), time cost: 2159.435124 rpn_cls: 0.0213, rpn_box: 0.1552, rcnn_cls: 0.0151, rcnn_box 0.0000 save model: models/vgg16/pascal_voc/faster_rcnn_1_25_106.pth
please tell any suggestion for increase the accuracy
It's too late. Reduce your learning rate!! lr=0.002 epoch 3 times I got a loss of 0.55 !!