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The Deno Standard Library

Results 307 deno_std issues
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alternative approach to #1382 This PR checks that default export items match to named export items for each node compatible modules. This PR guarantees that the following 2 patterns of...

The [base58 encoding scheme]( has become quite popular for a number of use cases. Any thoughts on including a standard implementation in this lib?

good first issue

```js // main.mjs import Fastify from "fastify"; const fastify = Fastify({ logger: true, }); // deno-lint-ignore require-await fastify.get("/", async (_req, _res) => { return { hello: "world" }; }); const...


**Describe the bug** Most HTTP Servers can handle a complete url as the request path, and in node, you can set it to a complete url. It just passes it...

needs triage

**Describe the bug** ClientRequest.setTimeout in node/https erroring and saying that it is not a function, which is incompatible with node's https module and will break projects which use the compat...


This issue tracks the issues for executing basic example of [vite]( in compat mode A typical workflow we try to support is: ```sh yarn create vite cd vite-project yarn yarn...

## Node.js docs reference ## Implementation interface ```ts import { Buffer } from "../buffer.ts"; import { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } from "../_errors.ts"; import { isArrayBufferView } from "../_util/_util_types.ts"; export class X509Certificate...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm trying to find out if a file is inside a specific directory. My plan was to do it like...

To-do: - [x] Implement parser - [x] Add multiple outputs - [ ] Add tests - [ ] Implement stringify - [ ] Add tests - [ ] Support multiple...