Dehann Fourie

Results 322 comments of Dehann Fourie

This dynamic will change as JuliaRobotics/RoME.jl#244 is introduced.

likely related to #191

given JL 1.8 and SnoopPrecompile, compile times are no longer a consideration. If you noticed longer compile times then there should be performance benefits given stronger types. All we should...

oh, sorry im not following whats happening on this second image -- where are all the y values coming from?

Also please add the preamble you using to generate the plots -- these are done with `RoMEPlotting.plotKDE` and Plots.jl? I'm assume you have local changes to combine Plots.jl and RoMEPlotting.jl...

Hi @Affie, so this case is not quite as straight forward as "correct" or "incorrect". What you are expecting as a parametric result in the middle should be viewed as...

I'd have to look more closely, but in the meantime: > Is there any parameter to tune to get less numerical parasitics, even if it comes at a cost of...