Dehann Fourie

Results 322 comments of Dehann Fourie

also recording another case, `X -- Y -- Z`, two options in frontal `Y` (A || B) might result in `dz/dx|yA = +c` and `dz/dx|yB = -c` for similar `x`...

Just keeping record on tracking of label selections through clique product cycles -- this graph loosely shows the clique joint probability inter-dependencies calculated during upward inference on tree (for an...

I think it would be good to drop `csmc.tree` if able, as long as we keep the ability to do #742

One reason for keeping `csmc.tree` is for debugging, to draw the entire tree state at each step in multithreaded system. So let's keep tree for now, but what we can...

[From Kaess et al., "The Bayes Tree: An Algorithmic Foundation for Probabilistic Robot Mapping", 2010]( ![Screenshot from 2019-12-06 07-42-58]( ![Screenshot from 2019-12-06 07-37-23]( ![Screenshot from 2019-12-06 07-37-32]( ![Screenshot from 2019-12-06...


Would be great to leverage ChainRules.jl for this.