modula t.

Results 34 comments of modula t.

In theory an event with `:quant 0` should be processed immediately (and not quantized), but it looks like that is not what actually happens. I'll try to fix that soon.

Well, `(tempo 60/60)` is basically just shorthand for `(play (event :type :tempo :tempo 60/60))` . So if you want a tempo change to be immediate rather than occurring on the...

Hmm, it looks like you're right, the `:tempo` key doesn't actually change the tempo of the clock, despite what the documentation says. I'm currently planning and in the process of...

Hi! > For example, using this [script](, if I change 7 to some other integer while the pattern is playing and eval the expression, the pattern doesn't change. How do...

If you're just using the code snippet I posted, the `0` is probably from the `format` expression, which is printing the value of `*mouse-x-value*` every time the pattern restarts. If...

Looks like you're evaluating the `pb` in the `CL-PATTERNS` package, but evaluated the `defparameter` in another package. If you put some in the REPL, they will be evaluated in the...

Probably the best solution would be to define your own package, and make it `:use` `cl-collider` and `cl-patterns`, so you have the symbols from both available in it. Then do...

Because you have `(pb :pattern ...)` under `(in-package #:cl-patterns)`, it will look for all symbols (including the symbol `*mouse-x-value*`) in the `cl-patterns` package. The reason you get that warning is...

No problem, happy to be of help :)

Really looking forward to the UltraSpec! The HyperSpec feels a bit old and has some usability issues that can be annoying sometimes. Especially looking forward to being able to get...