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Motivational thread
I'm writing this to be more of an open letter than a GitHub issue as it's directed not directly at the project, but at the people who are using the project's outcome - possibly including you, if you're reading these words right now.
CLUS is a non-profit project that I'm doing in my spare time. At the moment of writing these words, it has already taken more than a hundred hours of my life, summing it all up. It's not a small amount of time, given that it needed and will further need to be composed between sleeping, studying, relaxing and other real life duties.
At the moment of writing this words, I have finished roughly parsing the dictionaries of the Common Lisp specification. It was a tough job and the biggest chunk of the specification, but was possibly the most important one to begin with and it gives me a solid foundation for working on more and more of the spec and CLUS in general.
If CLUS has perhaps somehow helped you with learning Lisp, if CLUS helped you find a good example for the symbol you couldn't understand, if CLUS is a worthwhile project that you want to support, if CLUS is something you've wanted to see for a long while, if CLUS - please leave your mark here in form of a finny image, an emoji, a pingback from your blog or website, a comment of what you like in CLUS, of how you feel it, of how it helped you or other people.
After these long days of working on CLUS, I know what I need the most to keep on working on it - it's signals from other people that what I'm doing is actually helping them in this or another way and that they consider my work worthwhile. I want to have a place that I can visit during the tough moments that sometimes come, where I can read about how the UltraSpec is changing our little Lisp world for the better, energize myself again and go back to work. That's why I ask you for a favor - if you want to leave a message, please do it here in any form you consider suitable.
11:11 < flip214> phoe_: thanks.
11:12 < phoe_> flip214: it's me who should be thanking you~
11:12 < flip214> phoe_: not really. a line now and then isn't comparable in any way to the effort you spend here!!
11:31 < beach> phoe_: This is great news indeed.
11:31 < beach> Excellent work.
[13:47] <edgar-rft> phoe_: (signal 'thank-you)
Really looking forward to the UltraSpec! The HyperSpec feels a bit old and has some usability issues that can be annoying sometimes. Especially looking forward to being able to get documentation from the UltraSpec in an Emacs window in the future, that'll be really nice. Thanks for this project!
@defaultxr Thank you. I try to put forward diffs sections, but I don't have enough knoledge of CL and TeX, so I must find some help. I don't know for sure how other do.
Excellent, more people will encourage this as the learn about it. Marketing may be needed even for a free product. Thank you so much.
@phoe Just came across the project. Thanks for all your hard work. How is the project going?
What takes the most time? Do you actually rewrite text, or is it mostly spent formatting? Can you point me to any documentation about your methodology?