modula t.

Results 19 issues of modula t.

After opening #21 I realized it probably wouldn't be that hard to add this feature myself. As expected, this just adds a `--no_server` argument that will make bum exit after...

It would be nice to have a command line flag to avoid running bum as a server, and to only fetch the album artwork of the current track and then...

There is already a cl-org-mode system available on Quicklisp, but it seems to be the [cl-org-mode from](, which is much older and has a lot fewer features (and a...

The asdf manual [recommends]( bare (i.e. non-package-prefixed) `defsystem` forms in `.asd` files, and also suggests against the use of `in-package`. Sly's `sly-search-buffer-package` usually works well to find the package, but...

Using sly just cloned from git `master`. Emacs 27.1, sbcl 2.0.5, `quicklisp` dist October 2020. I also tried with: - sbcl 2.0.8 - sly from ELPA (`20201006.1535`) Reproducer: 1. `~/.sly-secret`...

Nicotine+ version: 3.2.2 Operating System/Distribution: Arch Linux ### Describe the bug The "Bitrate" results filter does not seem to work as expected: - I would expect that typing `192` and...


I've split out the code to mark a Sauron line as "handled" to its own function. That way, a line can be marked as "read" without having to activate it....

I would like to use `dev` as a general replacement for calling `in-package` at the REPL, but it seems that `dev` always attempts to load the system, even if the...

Sorry for the noise, but this has been bothering me and I can't unsee it.

This commit allows the user to set the title of the window with the `-T` command line flag. If `-T` is not provided, sxiv defaults to the usual `sxiv` window...