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Simple web browser to visualize HiC tracks

Results 8 HiCBrowser issues
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Hi, I have a query that I am having 2 samples (control.cool and treatment.cool) and ran hicCompareMatrix command and obtained a combined matrix file (combine.cool) and then used hiCPlotMatrix to...

Hi, I wanted to update the Browser to be able to have a browser which matches pygenometracks. But I do not know anything about javascript. I fixed the browser part...

Hi, I would like to plot links for chomatin loop. How can I write region_tracks.ini file?

Hi, I am trying to run HiCBrowser but keep getting this error message: * Serving Flask app "hicbrowser.views" (lazy loading) * Environment: production WARNING: Do not use the development server...

Current config (.ini) file has it's own format, while yaml is a popular and easy to use format. Plus I am not sure if current config allows a hierarchy in...

apart from the config file for the gene view and region view, there is no need for a third config file. HiCBrowser should directly be run with these two config...

If we want to reuse a container for multiple genomes and datatsets we need to encode the example regions and genes in dynamic way.

This branch is used in the HiCBrowser Docker image, as we are using nginx as proxy server and uwsgi as application server inside of the image. Unfortunately, I was not...