Dan R.

Results 62 comments of Dan R.

Unfortunately, I don't have any of these devices, I don't even have their SDK, but pull requests are welcome!

New C++ version of the game should be easier to port to different devices, so this will not be resolved in this C# version.

Yes, idle animations are not complete. It has very low priority, because it takes so much time to make it right and has almost no gain.

It looks you imported it correctly. It only warns you that you can unlock more features if you import The Secret Files too. But missing tilesets are a bit strange.....

No, tilemaps should be directly in original JJ2 folder - files with `.j2t` extension, e.g. `colon1.j2t`. And yes, `libopenmpt.so` for Linux is already included in ZIP, but it doesn't work...

Interesting, so you should see these tilesets also in Jazz² Resurrection `/Content/Tilesets`. But you still see only black screen? The game should run even without tilesets and libopenmpt. It seems...

It seems that it was already reported something similar in #29

`Failed to register allocate at 2 threads with any strategy. fragment shader failed to compile. Expect corruption.` error is already reported in #29. Unfortunately, it doesn't say why it can't...

Probably yes, see https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2#opengl-es-20-experimental

It seems JJ2 was not imported correctly, or you didn't use included minimal `Main.dz` for import.