Dany Castillo

Results 15 comments of Dany Castillo

This issue is caused by iOS itself, not by body-scroll-lock. By default, iOS has the momentum scroll only activated for the body, not for overflow elements. If you want to...

Here is also the source of the documentation website: https://github.com/testing-library/testing-library-docs

Related: https://github.com/dcastil/tailwind-merge/issues/132

Ah yeah sorry the `Transition.Child` without transition classes was a lazy mistake of mine. I just tried to create a reproducible example that is realistic but so far I couldn't...

The `open` prop of the DialogRoot controls its focus trap, scroll lock, etc. which is why it's in sync with the `show` prop of the Transition component. All those things...

The ThemeProvider from `@theme-ui/core` exists so you can use Theme UI without applying any body styles. I rely on this ThemeProvider myself not to apply any body styles. This definitely...

I also think we should clarify it in the docs. The situation with the two JSX runtimes is really confusing unfortunately.

I'm running into the same issue. I'd like to adopt Radix for the design system I'm working on but we have some custom selects with a scrollable area (implemented as...