Dany Castillo

Results 21 issues of Dany Castillo

I already had issues with export handling in the past. Would be nice to check in CI whether the package exports are connected to the built files correctly. Related: #92,...

New units are added to WebKit, so I should add them here as well. E.g. lvh, svh, dvh, lvw, … Sources: - https://webkit.org/blog/12445/new-webkit-features-in-safari-15-4 - https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#viewport-variants - https://caniuse.com/?search=dynamic%20viewport

feature request

**Describe the bug** I installed Storybook in a fresh Vite project and Storybook seems to work in development mode but the endpoint `/runtime-error` is called every second which then returns...

needs triage

**What package within Headless UI are you using?** @headlessui/react **What version of that package are you using?** v1.6.0 **What browser are you using?** Chrome **Reproduction URL** https://codesandbox.io/s/headlessui-transition-bug-afterleave-3k435m?file=/src/App.tsx:589-1336 **Describe your issue**...


### Problem Microbundle hoists a `require()` call out of a `try {}` block in a dependency. When that `require()` call throws, it is not caught by the `try {}` block...


Hi @toolmantim, thanks for this great app! It would be nice to be able to add commits to the triggerable branch to the release as well. This would be especially...

This is about essentially reverting https://github.com/dcastil/tailwind-merge/pull/128. I did the original PR because I wanted to reduce the install size of the npm package. But the problem isn't the size of...

feature request

Renovate thinks that updating from `0.0.0-dev.69dd04bd93c53125994f4812789645635bfa7d6b` to `1.6.0` is a major update which is not true [here (private link)](https://github.com/risecal/risecal/pull/2356). I should add the actual package version to the dev releases.

feature request

> **Note** > If you are affected by this, please let me know in a comment. Currently the library is transpiled with the default browserslist config which means it is...

feature request

**What package within Headless UI are you using?** @headlessui/react **What version of that package are you using?** v1.7.2 **What browser are you using?** Chrome **Reproduction URL** https://codesandbox.io/s/headlessui-transition-bug-afterleave-3k435m?file=/src/App.tsx:666-1441 1. Open link...