Dag Brattli

Results 108 comments of Dag Brattli

FYI: https://github.com/dbrattli/OSlash/pull/18/files

Please test: https://pypi.org/project/OSlash/0.6.2/

One goal of FSlash is not to use the M-word 😄

This library will be a community driven project updated on-demand and driven by real-world use cases (not the other way around). Similar to https://github.com/python/typeshed/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md . We should make a similar...

Try `unparse`: ```fs open Fable.Python.Ast ast.unparse(ast.parse("42")) ```

Yes, the idea I had was to parse the `.pyi` using `ast.parse` and then convert to [Python AST](https://github.com/fable-compiler/Fable/blob/beyond/src/Fable.Transforms/Python/Python.fs) since it's already using unions and records. That would then be easier...

Yes, we would need to create a mini Python to F# transpiler handling if statements as needed. The idea is not to generate perfect code, but something that can be...

Very nice that you want to try and build a Python type-hint parser. I would probably use the Ast-module myself, but I currently have more than enough with the Fable2Python...

Would be really great if you wanted to do this. Pandas do definitively not ship their own Fable bindings so this is not a problem. I should rephrase that sentence.