Dag Brattli

Results 108 comments of Dag Brattli

Have limited time to look into this right now, but will have plenty of time when I go on vacation this weekend. Looking forwards to dig into this and other...

I think it's an issue with the `[Erase]` attribute used on https://github.com/dbrattli/Fable.Reaction/blob/main/src/Reaction.fs#L23 We should probably just remove it since it's causing these problems.

Nice, please feel free to submit a PR

I see we use `Stopwatch` to measure the fetch time for each request and we want to measure that without measuring the rest of the pipeline as well. Will need...

Microsoft Delve uses RxJS. http://blogs.office.com/2014/03/11/introducing-codename-oslo-and-the-office-graph/

Microsoft uses RxJS for Onedrive Business. https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-us/business/


I vote 👍 since it would enable me to write F# that looks more like Python ([PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#indentation)). The two styles allowed in Python are: ```py mydict = { 'key': 'value',...

At [Cognite](https://www.cognite.com/en/) we use Fantomas for [github-workflow](https://github.com/cognitedata/oryx/blob/master/.github/workflows/build-and-test.yml) in the [Oryx](https://github.com/cognitedata/oryx) project.

@ytimenkov Thanks for posting this issue. It indeed looks like a bug.