Dag Brattli

Results 108 comments of Dag Brattli

Yes, this would be really nice for Python if it was possible. E.g for the example: ```fs let fn (a: U2) = () ``` It's currently translated to: ```py def...

Yes, the only reference I can find is: https://github.com/fable-compiler/Fable/blob/main/src/fcs-fable/src/Compiler/Checking/CheckExpressions.fs#L2745 Is that where this things happen?

The problem is that the main property seem to have been removed, so it's not that easy to know that you have to re-add it just by looking for the...

Ok, thanks. I've fixed this for Python.

Ok, @ncave that's fine. I can rename back. I just need to think "primary" every time I read "implicit" 😄

@ncave I'll give a +1 for that suggestion. Then it's self explanatory.

Thanks @alfonsogarciacaro . Reaction started as a playground project to see if it would be possible to join the Elm-architecture with observables, and things are getting quite interesting so it...

There's actually been some progress to this issue 😄 I've been struggling with finding the right tooling and hosting for the docs, but after working on RxPY for a few...

Yes, I've been feeling the pain myself :disappointed:. Mostly because of the different namespaces resulting in a lot of `#if FABLE_COMPILER` throughout the files. But also that Ionide chokes on...

Hi, you can use `ofAsync`. ```fs let ofAsync (workflow : Async ``` e.g: ```fs let xs = AsyncRx.ofAsync asyncValue ``` You can also bind Async values directly in `asyncRx` computational...