Dag Brattli

Results 108 comments of Dag Brattli

For string format I was planning to do this: ```fs type System.String with [] member self.format([] args: Object[]) = nativeOnly ``` Is it something similar you need to do for...

Some features like named arguments for format is currently blocked by #18

I think we should not target anything below 3.9. Not sure how we should version this going forwards? Not sure I want to end up with multiple branches targeting different...

@hlizard Coconut looks like a really nice project, but I don't think it's the right abstraction for Fable. Python 2 is out of the question anyways, and solving the Python...

@thautwarm I'm not sure about this so we need to ask the experts @alfonsogarciacaro and @Zaid-Ajaj. I don't know about custom attribute support, but know that there's some support for...

@alfonsogarciacaro Yes, bundle size does not matter at all for Python (disk space is free), but loading times still matters. So we still need to be careful to not eagerly...

Yes, the plan is to have separate docs for Fable.Python as a [Jupyter book](https://jupyterbook.org/intro.html) that is written as a in [MyST](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). This will make it easy to mix code and...

I have updated the docs so should be more references to Python than JS now. Please open PR's preferably for any issues with the docs.

Hi @tforkmann. The simplest way is to just search through the page titles and summaries (limited by summaryLength in config) that is already available in the client. But you probably...

The README [mentions](https://github.com/dbrattli/Feliz.ViewEngine/#common-pitfalls) this problem. The way I would think about this is that SSR is just HTML, or at least it will end up as HTML. So you can...