The export to Microsoft Word is less useful than it could be. Please consider an option to defining styles for the different elements of the script (Title, Name/Address, Page Numbers,...
Add an option to present statistics by Act. This would help understand the various numbers by Act, as different characters may need to be more or less active in different...
The Export menu option has three tabs, one for Research, Outline and Script. However, they share the same default file name. They really shouldn't as that makes it very easy...
Allow us to type in a date in the 1st thru 4th ages and include the phases of the moon in the results. Those who write fan fiction or run...
Would love to see phases of the moon on the calendars, keyed to the 1941/42 moon cycle in 3018/3019 3.A., and extending forwards and backwards from there. It would really...
Characters have an arc to their development. Things happen to them in an order. Stories have a presentation arc. Things are revealed to the audience in an order. The two...
In many stories, the classic Watergate investigation line applies, "What Did the President Know, and When Did He Know It?" There are many pieces of information for which we simply...