Dave Tapley

Results 93 comments of Dave Tapley

I got this too going from `react-scripts` `3.4.1` to `4.0.3` and https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/10852#issuecomment-921120083 fixed it. I was about to open another issue to bump `peerDependency`, but I see that happened in...

I just knocked up the following bash script which emulates the "add-source -f" behaviour mentioned in the OP: https://gist.github.com/1557244 The assumption is that you have some cabal-dev sandbox directory (`SANDBOX_DIR`...

Removing `secure: true` worked for me with AWS SES.

Do we want to expand this issue to include it happening under Foreman, or shall I start a new one? [Here's a video of how I see it](http://youtu.be/Q8Xk1EuiJbc?t=10s).

_bump_ I just reinstalled Janus, and noticed this isn't there :frowning:

@khusnetdinov I did, I just feel it's sufficiently useful that it should be in by default.

FYI for anyone who gets caught by this: Ensure you **add the following** to your `~/.vimrc.after`: ``` runtime macros/matchit.vim set nocompatible if has("autocmd") filetype indent plugin on endif ``` [Source](https://github.com/nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock/blob/e9edab34fc6389b10a6887ad09b4b6ed6e56c667/README.md)....

I've suggested a workaround on [the Stack Overflow question](http://stackoverflow.com/a/42446636/21115): In the interim add the following to your `~/.profile` as a workaround: export PSQL_EDITOR="vim -u NONE" *** See: * [`vim -u`](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/starting.html#-u)...

For me this was caused by using deprecated `node-sass` instead of `sass`. See: https://sass-lang.com/blog/libsass-is-deprecated https://sass-lang.com/documentation/breaking-changes/slash-div#transition-period

# Work around I was able to get it to work on `3.1.1` with ⬇️, ~although I then ran in to #114~ and https://github.com/SamKirkland/FTP-Deploy-Action/issues/114#issuecomment-753214479 ``` steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with:...