Dave Tapley

Results 93 comments of Dave Tapley

Just a heads up: Using `{% raw %}` / `{% endraw %}` as given above doesn't resolve the issue for me 😞

It appears there might be a workaround for this using [`ansible.windows.win_dsc`](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/windows/win_dsc_module.html). The last [example](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/windows/win_dsc_module.html#examples) shows how [`dsccommunity/xWebAdministration `](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xWebAdministration) can be used: ``` - name: Create IIS Website with Binding and...

I couldn't get that workaround ⬆️ working due to https://github.com/dsccommunity/xWebAdministration/issues/573 But I was able to workaround that with this: ```yaml - name: Create FastCGI handler ansible.windows.win_shell: | $name = "my-FastCGI-handler"...

I _presume_ it's due to [this](https://stackoverflow.com/a/27314017/21115): > autofocus is defined to work reliably only on page load. It is not really suited for situations where you are swapping, or opening,...

I don't know if it's due to some shadow DOM magic, but I just tried this JS workaround and it doesn't work either, leaving me with **no way to get...

As mentioned [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31901397/how-to-set-focus-on-an-element-in-elm/52624189?noredirect=1#comment96534245_52624189) there is a solution using `Dom.focus` as [shown here](https://ellie-app.com/kqLTvMXJj3a1). I'm going to make a PR to update [the docs](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/html/latest/Html-Attributes#autofocus) to at least call that out (although I...

Thanks for the link @ChristophP. I didn't know this: > The `autofocus` content attribute allows the author to indicate that a control is to be focused > [...] > as...

I tried to implement ⬆️ [here](https://ellie-app.com/4QM7nPdTYjDa1) using: ``` node "dialog" [property "open" (bool model.inputVisible)] [ input [autofocus True] []] ``` It works insomuch as the `dialog` (and `input`) appear and...

I also tried ⬆️ [here](https://ellie-app.com/4QMd99cLfrSa1) using `attribute` instead: ``` node "dialog" (if model.inputVisible then [attribute "open" ""] else []) [ input [autofocus True] []] ``` Same behavior 😞

What's the easiest way to test this locally? 🤔