David Toews
David Toews
I've been able to make use of this library using version 4 just by changing the version property in the `Connector` class. All I'm using is the form query and...
I'm having the exact same problem, except it didn't appear to me until the update to 1.2.3
Switching to Monokai Extended fixed the pseudo selectors, but not variables, which are white as of update to 1.2.3. Using ST3 build 3143
Sounds like a Composer issue to me, you may need to re-run `composer install` or try a `composer dump-autoload`. With composer autoload you shouldn't have to manually require files. Anyways...
I should note that on my own site the element disappears sooner (i.e. at a smaller scroll position) the shorter the browser window is.
Makes sense. I just needed one table without a header row along with a bunch of other tables that did need header rows. Trying to produce all my tables with...
Thanks for the info @bradfrost. I'm happy to see all the attention the PHP version is getting recently, and I'm looking forward to see what's next.
@sghoweri As I currently use PatternLab, my SCSS and JS/JSX files have their own parallel patterns (atoms, molecules, organisms, etc) directories. My webpack config looks in `scss/` and `es2015/` and...
Having this issue after cloning my pattern repo to a new computer. Is there still a fix in the works for this? EDIT: I realize now why it broke on...
@dawb I've had this problem myself and there is not a simple setting that can be changed. There's a few different things that need to be tweaked to get those...