Martin Andreas Ullrich

Results 54 comments of Martin Andreas Ullrich

You can put ```xml true ``` into csproj files, a [`Directory.Build.props`]( file in solution / repo directory or set `SuppressNETCoreSdkPreviewMessage` as an environment variable (with `true` as value) at the...

Do you explicitly need the platform to be set? How did you end up with this condition? I suppose VS generated that.. I believe the guidance would/should be to create...

So you need the compiler flag? By default, `AnyCPU` would be neutral, so it would depend on the host `dotnet.exe` which bitness to use. Personally I've been in situations where...

you could also do a `dotnet publish -p:Platform=x64`. Once the 2.2.100 based tooling versions are released (2.2 SDK, you don't have to use .NET Core / ASP.NET Core 2.2), you...

interesting, does the dependent library set anything to x86 by default in the csproj? this may happen if you set `Platform Target` in that VS dialog. > Do most people...

Looks like you need [VSWhere]( (this is used by Azure DevOps agents to locate VS installations) You probably also want to create a NuGet package that contains both the 32...

The reference assemblies packages don't have reference assemblies for PCLs though, just .NET Framework. There is a `_SdkIgnoreMSBuildCoreWarning` you could try. And maybe you could get the PCL to compile...

I'd suggest using a non-root user by default together with a port > 1024 (e.g. 8080) to make sure that: * The `Dockerfile` doesn't trigger repo scanning tools for misconfiguration...

Cross-linking for a discussion about potentially not cluttering `dotnet publish` with too many options for new features but moving things to publish profiles, for which templates with publish options...

Having access to `Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.CodeAnalysis.SemanticModel` in custom tools would be awesome. Not only for code style but also for dependency analysis, refactoring or documentation generation - similar to what roslyn's CodeAnalysis...