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Templates for publish profiles

Open dasMulli opened this issue 5 years ago • 6 comments

Not sure if this has been discussed already but:

Creating publish profiles is hard if you don't know much about them already. If you're on Windows and use VS, it's a no-brainer. But without VS and e.g. on a Linux box, publishing an asp.net core application is hard (at least they are documented), even though the SDK supports a variety of publish options via aspnet/websdk, but they require a publish profile.

A lot of this could be solved via templates for publish profiles, like dotnet new azure-publish-profile, dotnet new pubxml --target filesystem or similar.

Does it seem reasonable to approach this problem via templates?

dasMulli avatar Sep 07 '18 06:09 dasMulli

This has been discussed before (though I can't seem to find the issue where it was discussed) - the thinking at the time was that it might add noise to the list of templates. I'm not opposed to adding templates for this, but a few things will need to happen with this:

  1. We'll need to figure out the relationship between this and the getting started profiles in WebSDK
  2. We'll need to figure out where the template content should live
  3. We'll need to determine whether these should be shipped in the dotnet CLI or as a package folks could install to get the functionality

@vijayrkn @Andrew-MSFT

mlorbetske avatar Sep 11 '18 18:09 mlorbetske

cc: @AngelosP

AndrewBrianHall avatar Oct 15 '18 18:10 AndrewBrianHall

Cross-linking https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/12163 for a discussion about potentially not cluttering dotnet publish with too many options for new features but moving things to publish profiles, for which templates with publish options would become of importance.

dasMulli avatar Aug 19 '19 12:08 dasMulli

@KathleenDollard could you please check if this template should be considered?

vlada-shubina avatar May 26 '21 11:05 vlada-shubina

Will talk with @AngelosP about this and report back.

baronfel avatar Apr 18 '22 18:04 baronfel

Seems like a good idea to me!

sayedihashimi avatar Apr 18 '22 19:04 sayedihashimi

After talking with Angelos a bit, publish profiles are both variable and complex - we wouldn't make a template for a 'raw' publish profile, instead we might make one for 'publishing to Azure Container Registry via .NET SDK native containers'. The schemas of these files are very open to change as well, and not something that the template engine team have full knowledge of. If any templates are to be made for publish profiles, they should come from @AngelosP/@vijayrkn and be ingested as part of the SDK, not defined here in a top-down manner.

baronfel avatar Jan 05 '23 15:01 baronfel

Close as low priority. The template content should be suggested by a team that owns publish profiles.

YuliiaKovalova avatar May 16 '23 10:05 YuliiaKovalova