Martin Andreas Ullrich

Results 54 comments of Martin Andreas Ullrich

@mudit-01 this is about egress, i'm looking for TCP ingress

What would be needed for TCP ingress? As in: does it interfere with mTLS config in other listeners / filter chains etc, parts of work that would need to be...

The library used for interaction with the service management APIs has this feature in the current public version, surfaced as `WithFailureAcitons` on `ServiceDefinitionBuilder` (see a [unit test config]( for an...

Wouldn't this be a perfect fit for a global tool now? `dotnet tool install -g dotnet-csi` / `dotnet tool install -g csi`

`dotnet-script` is fine just as well. I like to mess around with interactive mode from time to time. a few minutes ago I wanted to check some decimal numbers for...

The "csproj + Program.cs = Build Script" is basically what nuke ( promotes and makes easy. Note that in theory `dotnet run` should support passing all sorts of args after...

In this case `?? default` on the Nullable type results in a call to `.GetValueOrDefault()` - In this case any `nullableInt ?? default` expression is of type `int` (and...

+1 for a native MSBuild format. It would be awesome to have it as "simple" as ```xml ```

@JeffCyr there's a ms-built version at that does that same you are doing but also covers some more edge cases (but is certainly less user-friendly / documented and lacks...

Yes, this feature is only supported when building with windows as this uses APIs available in windows to modify the .exe file - /cc