Martin Andreas Ullrich

Results 54 comments of Martin Andreas Ullrich

Leaving this out for now since it don't have a good plan at the moment. Peter Kottas has a nice wrapper already..

I've already heard feedback about not really being able to debug exceptions. The problem with throwing is that it breaks the connection to windows' service management system. I'm open to...

This should be implemented in an `IWin32ServiceStateMachine` subclass which is responsible for calling the `ServiceStatusReportCallback` callback with appropriate commands. Exposing the control over something that the state machine is supposed...

@turowicz you could download the nupkgs from

@turowicz I'd be interested to know if your problem is mainly requiring additional time for the stop operation or more in general? the default timeout could also be made configurable...

Should be possible. It doesn’t exist yet because the need for it wasn’t there but since there is a cleaner API now using the definition object it should be possible...

Thanks for looking into this. Do you think this warrants a breaking change in behavior? I'm not against it but trying to decide if an additional `StopAndDelete()` method makes sense....

yup i'm all in for `stopImmediately`

There has been before to implement stopping. The reason i didn't want to put it in immediatly was because `ServiceController` has a more versatile method of stopping but i...

So i've been thinking about this for a bit. A few key points: 1. This is the first time i've heard about this - personally I try to make sure...