Daniel Wegener

Results 5 issues of Daniel Wegener

As discussed in #14, it would be good to handle cases where logback attempts to send messages that become bigger than the configured max message size. Such a case could...


As discussed in #59 it is sometimes necessary to override the license for a certain dependency. The fix created for #59 however does this only for the license-report. This overwrite...

help wanted

Would you mind declaring a license for this extension (or am I am missing something?)? :) Cheers!

Hi! Would it be possible to release openwebrtc-android-sdk as regular java api? Maybe extract the components that are unspecific to android and cross-release it as a seperate jar? Most of...

As a user I dont want to download, split and dexx any unsupported scala version manually. I rather want to have a support script that does this job for me.