Daniel Wegener

Results 33 comments of Daniel Wegener

Should be enough to permit&forward the range header (as specified in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233#section-3.1)

IIRC the process was like this: ``` KafkaAppender.doAppend () -> UnsynchronizedAppenderBase.doAppend -> KafkaAppender.append -> deliveryStrategy.send ``` When kafka _really_ is unavailable, the `deliveryStrategy` should eventually send the message to the...

Looks like you are using a recent configuration example for an "old" logback-kafka-appender dependency (< 0.2.0). Can you please provide the relevant appender section from your logback configuration?

It would be definitely helpful If you could show your logback appender configuration. But I guess it is pretty much the same as #16 . Even if you configure the...

I am not really sure how the ReconfigureOnChangeFilter works, i.e. if if really reinitializes the logging context using reset (in that case, the kafka appender should naturally work) or if...

Just dived into the code. A simple reset is not enough since it just stops all appenders but does not restart them. To reload the kafka producer, the whole configuration...

Hi @vikasrjain! Thanks for your question. I am not really sure if I understand you correctly. You are trying to measure the performance of a kafka topic? You can use...

Thanks and sorry for the late reply. I have never used kafka with kerberos configuration. Is there any official kafka producer documentation you followed to set up the sasl client...