Daniel Powney
Daniel Powney
Looks like a great plugin. Well done. I don't understand why CSS position absolute has been used so much. Here's the CSS I have used to fix this. Cheers, Daniel...
Hi Tom, do you have any updates? I may not understand the Firefox issue correctly, is the zoom level and device pixel ratio always correct on page load? Does the...
Thanks! This looks great! I love it! My only feedback is I'm not sure the "Our Own Chatbot" is necessary. Perhaps it can be "Dialogflow for WordPress" or removed entirely....
Can you please send me what the debug output looks like? You can grab this by adding debug="true" to the shortcode.
The plugin currently only supports Text Image and Quick Replies rich messages. Google Assistant does not have this. It has other rich messages such as Simple Response, List, Suggestion Tips...
Hi, what do you mean custom payload doesn't work the same as FB messenger? Can you please provide an example. Thanks,
Hi there. Sorry you're not giving me much to go by. Any more clues? Have you set the messaging platform correctly? Have you tested the chatbot on Dialogflow site? Thanks,...
Best to turn on debug in the shortcode to see what the response is. e.g. [my_chatbot debug=true]