my-chatbot copied to clipboard
internal error
Hello Daniel, I am using "My chatbot" on 2 wp installations and both of them return me "internal error" on all intents connected to webhook. intents without webhook seems to be ok. This behaviour has started 3 or 4 days ago, first tests was ok. first wp installation is pure wp vanilla without plugins and the other is with divi and some plugins. I have tried both client and developer api. Can you help ?
Can you please send me what the debug output looks like? You can grab this by adding debug="true" to the shortcode.
Unfortunatly i cant enable the debug mode. here is what i have done: Chatbot overlay: disable added [my_chatbot debug="true"] in the content of a page still have internal errors but nothing is displayed in chatbot window as debug
even modding the shortcodes.php files gives me nothing extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'echo' => false, 'debug' => true ), $atts ) );
I think the error has to do something with your language - did you have dialogflow running in mulit language or use wpml on wordpress?