Daniel Hoherd

Results 90 comments of Daniel Hoherd

I think ProxyJump is the most significant missing feature that is preventing me from adopting `assh` as a default replacement for `ssh`. I think a decent middle ground would be...

FWIW, my original reason for requesting this feature is because I was looking through a bunch of code with `git blame`, and its lack of syntax highlighting was frustrating, but...

I don't do much code exploration in vscode. I tend to go into a repo and `git grep` or go into a git workspace and `rg -iu`, then when I...

One way this could be implemented is if bat could ignore the first N characters of every line when reading the input. EG: my `git blame` has 60 chars left...

This is still a problem. From a pdb session while debugging: ``` > /home/dho/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/flickrcronpy-jFmCqsjY-py3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flickrapi/core.py(402)_wrap_in_parser() -> if parse_format not in rest_parsers: (Pdb) ll 385 def _wrap_in_parser(self, wrapped_method, parse_format, *args, **kwargs): 386...

I'm seeing this same problem with an NSP I dumped from a cart. I started over with a fresh exfat partition and a new load from sdsetup.com and saw the...

Unchecking readonly is just a workaround, and as @chipironcin pointed out, the workaround is not available on all platforms. (From what I can tell, it's only available on Windows.) There...

I finally got my hands on a windows PC and the NSP I am having problems with does not have the read-only bit set. It had the archive bit set,...

I too am seeing a discrepancy between mac and linux. ### On Ubuntu 22.04 with jq 1.6 This one works fine. ``` $ TZ=Z date -d '2022-03-13T02:00:00Z' '+{"seconds": %s, "timestamp":...

FWIW there is a pure go implementation of jq that does not have this bug: https://github.com/itchyny/gojq ``` $ TZ=Z gdate -d '2022-03-13T02:00:00Z' '+{"seconds": %s, "timestamp": "%FT%TZ"}' | gojq '[.seconds, (.timestamp...