Results 72 comments of Damiano

@Siilwyn repo is clearly dead. Should we simply fork the repo and re-publish on npm, with all of this merged?

+1 same problem with jest ``` const instance = component.instance(); const spy = jest.spyOn(Component.prototype, 'compute'); component.find('button').simulate('click'); component.update(); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); ```

@job13er just declare your class methods as class properties.

I confirm the content-type header is for sure wrong, json requests (axios default) are sent with `form-urlencoded` content-type.

@bisrael is this repo still mantained? I hope so because right now is the only plugin which seems to work without hassles

@shtaif it's like the fields parameter is not sent: can you help with this one? ``` window.CordovaFacebook.graphRequest({ path: '/me', params: { access_token: accessToken, fields: 'first_name,last_name', }, onSuccess: result => resolve(result),...

+1 for this feature: @bassarisse actually the "gid" is not working ``` const assets = await gsjson({ spreadsheetId: '1WXQ4mmU0lKSIivxejPdrS7SHgxQCIxnJ8evVLWszuKs', worksheet: ['380908001'], }); ``` ``` Failure: Error: No worksheet found! ```...

@ttm I think browserify is not correctly handling type=module.

@ttm did you find a solution for this? was it solved in browserify?