Results 72 comments of Damiano

@thornjad unfortunately not. I get a trailing slash on my paths and this breaks the react SPA :\

@raphaellueckl is this happening any time soon? 🙏🏼

I don't understand, I don't have webpack customisations but I get lots of warnings: ```js /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const config = { reactStrictMode: true, }; const withBundleAnalyzer = require('@next/bundle-analyzer')({...

Same with jss ``` '/@npm/react' does not provide an export named 'createContext' ``` @developit this project is cool indeed, I'm probably replacing parcel as a whole with it in my...

@developit I see the label "hasfix" but which is the intended one? I'd like to try again

I'm trying to avoid the wrapping/context to have my actions.js be a collection of pure functions but it makes hard to have a "thunk" like functionality. How can I achieve...

Not working with native ESM (`type=module`). What's going on?

+1 for this: I'm prerendering my page with puppeeter but title is placed below the styling thus google does not find it.