Results 72 comments of Damiano

How to access the http2 stream on ctx object to push assets to client using koa? It this supported right now?

+1 for this: @si14 did you find solution to this?

Any news on this? How to logrotate and set log max size in pm2.config.js?

any news on this?

Can't this be merged?

@evilebottnawi I tried both `[email protected]` and `[email protected]`, still having: ``` 92% after chunk asset optimization SourceMapDevToolPlugin index.js generate SourceMap/Users/damz/Desktop/yarsk/node_modules/webpack-sources/node_modules/source-map/lib/source-map-generator.js:276 throw new Error( ^ Error: original.line and original.column are not numbers...

@evilebottnawi I've been using it for the past 6w, just one issue with decorators after version 36.