Jan Christopher Vogt
Jan Christopher Vogt
- Category - [ ] fzf binary - [ ] fzf-tmux script - [ ] Key bindings - [x] Completion - [ ] Vim - [ ] Neovim - [...
@sethtisue implemented support for 2.12.0 https://github.com/cvogt/browse/tree/topic/2.12-compat I added support for 2.12.1 https://github.com/cvogt/browse/tree/topic/2.12.1-compat Looks like @paulp had done this, too, but I can't find the source code. The binaries are here:...
java.io.Console is null when running via nailgun, but it is what is usually used to allow interactive input, as we need for gpg, repl, clean, etc. Currently all of those...
allow generating github readmes from templates adding common content like latest maven version build too config, etc. And auto include relevant badges: http://shields.io/
@darthorimar please review
creating a PR for easier comparison
investigate performance improvements in creating jars via `FastPackage` ( https://github.com/fommil/sbt-big-project/blob/master/src/main/scala/BigProjectSettings.scala#L473 ). To avoid an external dependency we could copy the code into cbt. Related gitter discussion: https://gitter.im/cvogt/cbt?at=5964f2d3bc46472974dbb033