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Video analytics web platform
**Category** Bugfix **Problem** The filter UI does not always show the entire set of available options if there are multiple localization types registered. This inhibits the user from creating certain...
Ingesting a strange resolution like 1435x771 causes the transcode workflow to fail.
Bucket creation over REST fails, likely permeating up through the UI. This is apparently missing from any unit tests as well. Should either make bucket management behind the scenes or...
frequent hits of the localization graphic endpoint result in a lot of server side spikes. Utilizing cache-control headers based on localization modification time could allow for efficient use of browser...
If you hold space bar vs. press space bar; the pause may turn into a play/pause. Additionally if you hold it down intentionally the tab can blow up.
Currently users can be given an invite link when inviting to an organization. Once created, a secondary step of creating memberships for that user must be taken, which can result...
The clone media utility doesn't work if cloning large quantities of media. It generates an underlying get_media_list via GET which has implicit URL size limitations.
**Category** Feature Request **Problem** Current enum-input.js is cumbersome to use when there are many options. Having a search bar would help this. **Request** Utilize a framework like choices.js to introduce...
When bulk patching, we currently support single modification, multiple data. It may be worth evaluating multi modification, multiple data. This would encourage not iterating in loops over single element patches.