I've already spoken a bit with Chris S about this. The issue comes when vcfconvert encounters a deletion such as REF:CAG -> ALT:C. The anchor base at the beginning confuses...
Hmm. Okay, thanks. Will switch to that.
The SmallPedigree-WGS workflow also failed: 2019-04-24T21:16:29+00:00,ERROR: Job default.partitioned failed with exit code 134. Job logs: /mnt/data/workDir/1156157/canvasRun/canvasOut/Logging/default.partitioned.stdout /mnt/data/workDir/1156157/canvasRun/canvasOut/Logging/default.partitioned.stderr Job error message: Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be...
Hi Guys -- any word on having the same failure with small-pedigree?
Hi Eric - We've set up a pipeline of Isaac/Strelka/Canvas/Manta. The BAM is directly from Isaac and all using the same GRCh37 reference. So far we've run 500+ files through...
Hi Eric - This is very reproducible -- it has happened on two different virtual machines and on multiple retries. The bin job only runs for a minute: Job default_0.binned...
Is the bin count supposed to have a minus sign in front? 04/24/2019 08:57:09 Deserialization complete -2147483648 binSize 04/24/2019 08:57:31 Launch BinCountsForChromosome jobs... 04/24/2019 08:57:39 Completed BinCountsForChromosome jobs. 04/24/2019 08:57:39...
Thanks for looking into this deeper. I can share the binned data. Please let me know which folder to tar up and I'll get onto a share drive for you.