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Any chance you'll be upgrading the output to VCFv4.2? vcftools vcfconvert doesn't like the ALT designations and won't update the file.
Thanks, Curt
Can you please give an example about the complain of ALT?
I've already spoken a bit with Chris S about this. The issue comes when vcfconvert encounters a deletion such as REF:CAG -> ALT:C. The anchor base at the beginning confuses vcfconvert, because it is expecting REF:AG -> ALT:"-", and it throws an error.
The root cause lies with vcfconvert. However, I was hoping you were going to have an upgrade at some point to VCFv4.2 so I wouldn't have to mess around with vcfconvert.
Probably no plans to go to VCF4.2 until we need to use a 4.2-only feature. The prefix base is still being used in VCF4.2 for a small indel style (ie. non-symbolic ALT) variant.
I think the current output should be 4.2 compatible, so can you just change the version number in the VCF headers?