for unknown boats: If only one person entered as cox, change to crew1 Implementation is already available, but deactivated. Should be configureable in efaConfig de.nmichael.efa.gui.EfaBaseFrame.checkPersonsForBoatType()
Lot of warnings in eclipse due to unused imports. Cleanup neccessary.
EFA->EFB Sync: if there occurs an error during the handling of the efb response, all proceeding response items of the current sync fail as well. by this, a lot of...
Für den DKV gibt es bestimmte Fahrtarten, die eine besondere Bedeutung haben. Hierzu gehören die Vereinsfahrt und die Gemeinschaftsfahrt. Gemeinschaftsfahrten müssen nach der Synchronisation EFA->EFB vom Kanuten selbst im EFB...
Obviously, this error occurs - in admin mode - if the administrators button is pressed - if no project is open Fehlermeldung: java.lang.NullPointerException de.nmichael.efa.gui.dataedit.AdminListDialog.ini( de.nmichael.efa.gui.dataedit.AdminListDialog.( de.nmichael.efa.gui.util.EfaMenuButton.menuAction( de.nmichael.efa.gui.util.EfaMenuButton.menuAction( de.nmichael.efa.gui.EfaBaseFrame.menuActionPerformed( de.nmichael.efa.gui.EfaBaseFrame$2.actionPerformed( javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown...
When debug mode is active, efaCloud logs a lot of exceptions in the efa log. This is due to the fact that - it looks for a field "ClientSideKey" which...
EFA#035 / EFA/EFACLI: FEATURE: CSV Export function should define csvSeparator, csvQuote and encoding
Within Statistics, the user can specify parameters for CSV separator, CSV Quote and encoding. In the export functions for boats etc, this is not possible. The current standard separator |...
The export function in EFACLI should be able to send the exported files directly via email, and delete the exported file thereafter. Feature is currently in development.
When Autopopup mode with partial text search is active, efa looks for matching elements which CONTAIN the specified text, and displays them in alphabetical order. The very first element in...
When syncing canoeing trips efa -> Kanu-EFB (Germany only), each trip gets synchronized using a start and a destination point. For regular trips/Routes starting and ending at the same boat...