
Results 93 comments of Lewis

> # Stats from current PR > **Default Build** (Decrease detected ✓) > > **General** Overall increase > vercel/next.js canary ctjlewis/next.js isolate-component-requires Change > buildDuration 13.9s 14.1s +157ms > buildDurationCached...

Next no longer throws with the changes in #34451, but Tailwind will need to make changes in order for Tailwind to not throw: ``` ../../next.js/packages/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].oneOf[8].use[1]!../../next.js/packages/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].oneOf[8].use[2]!./src/styles/index.css Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES...

Worked around for Tailwind and PostCSS by forcing CJS in the `type: module` project with `.cjs` file extension for `postcss.config.cjs` and `tailwind.config.cjs`.

@damianobarbati You can’t use `exports` keyword in a CJS file. Do `module.exports = {…}`.

My thoughts are that style values which, when trimmed, become empty strings, should be returned unaltered, i.e.: `if (value.toString().trim() === ‘’) return value;` This would handle the space, series of...

Reverted the tests back to canary and refactored again from scratch.

Note: The `createApp()` logic currently still performs project standardization on examples passed via `--example`, i.e. making sure the correct dependencies are configured and so on. In order to not conflict...

Interesting error where latest PNPM and PNPM 7.3.0 conflict. I was only able to prevent `pnpm --frozen-lockfile` from throwing by downgrading to 7.3.0 locally and installing with `pnpm --no-frozen-lockfile`. May...

Getting nondeterministic testing errors, mostly concerning wasm. - Under **Test the wasm build**, got "xvfb failed to start" (disappeared next run) - Separate run, under **Test Integration (17)** (`xvfb-run node...

- `app/` dir now fully supported with `--js`, `--ts`, and prompts - tests added for all cases, including `create-next-app --experimental-app --js` - template-related tests are in `test/integration/create-next-app/templates.test.ts` (as they were...