
Results 44 issues of Lewis

# Bug report The `useSignIn()` hook does not work correctly. ## Description / Observed Behavior Try to use the sign-in hook, and successfully log in (the user is created in...

I'd like to just design the title page PDF myself and then add it as the title page. This currently does not seem possible, even via workarounds like setting a...

feature request

### Prerequisites - [x] Checked that your issue hasn't already been filed by cross-referencing [issues with the `faq` label](https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue%20label%3Afaq%20) - [x] Checked next-gen ES issues and syntax problems by using...


- Rollup Plugin Name: `node-resolve`, `commonjs`, `json` - Rollup Plugin Version: `latest` @ all # Adding support for full ES-Node interop An important functionality for Rollup I believe is the...

cยน โ‹… discussion
tยณ โœจ enhancement
๐Ÿ”Œ plugin-json
๐Ÿ”Œ plugin-node-resolve
๐Ÿ”Œ plugin-commonjs

Love the `style` support, but would really helpful for conditional exports to also be legible to `postcss-import`: ``` { ..., "exports": { ".": "./dist/index.js", "./*": "./dist/lib/*/index.js", "./styles": "./dist/styles/index.css", "./styles/*": "./dist/styles/*/index.css",...


Sadly, I have the great misfortune of needing to work on a codebase which uses `nps`, and despite the project's stated goal, "unmaintainable mess" is quite an understatement due to...

``` class Test { static myTest = "abc"; } ``` fails to compile. I'm getting around this by doing ``` class Test { static get myTest() { return "abc" };...


[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/christiantjl/closure-compiler.svg?branch=unicode)](https://travis-ci.org/christiantjl/closure-compiler) Further resolves #3639, aims to prevent 99.999% of future issues that might occur from using non-English characters (except the few Greek and Latin chars manually included) in an...

cla: yes

Sample source: ```javascript /** moduleTest.js */ import fs from 'fs'; console.log(fs); ``` Command: ```none google-closure-compiler \ -O ADVANCED \ --module_resolution NODE \ --process_common_js_modules \ --externs ./node_modules/google-closure-compiler/contrib/nodejs/fs.js \ moduleTest.js ``` The...


It would be great for Node module resolution to *just work*, without extra arguments. Right now, you need `--module_resolution NODE` which does nothing unless `--process_common_js_modules` is also passed, and even...