
Results 93 comments of Lewis

I assumed it's a bug as nobody would really want a config file to be un-overridable. I want to force JSX settings for the build and cannot do that in...

To stop short of a repro, it's very simple: My tool calls Esbuild to bundle a Next.js project. Currently tsmodule holds Esbuild back to 0.14.50 and it bundles everything without...

Hm, OK - I can just create internal tsconfigs and set JSX settings by configuring those, though this basically means that the `{ jsx, jsxFactory }` build parameters don't do...

Ah, since `BuildOptions` does not take `tsconfigRaw` (only `TransformOptions`), I could only work around by totally unplugging from the project tsconfig entirely - if I could pass `tsconfigRaw`, I could...

Nice, a fellow Next project bundler. See tsmodule in that linked commit above @spencewood: It’s just a configuration wrapper around esbuild, and has it held back until this is unblocked....

@evanw This issue still persists, and I cannot tell the `esbuild({ ... })` call to override the jsx setting from `tsconfig.json`, it will always defer to what's the filesystem `tsconfig`...

Thanks @Jarred-Sumner - need access to a stream to replicate `ora`-like spinner, `chalk` equivalent currently available at [`bun-style`](https://npmjs.com/bun-style).

The scripts in `next/head` will execute, but they will execute after the components have rendered sometimes, resulting in missing globals. I had this issue with the Google Maps API specifically,...

@tarleb - Tried `-f markdown+rebase_relative_paths` but was unable to workaround. Thanks for looking at this issue!

Some tricky conflicts going on. I just got a comment from @sokra in another thread, but many of the failing test errors seem to be Webpack-related, would appreciate a first-glance...