Charles Sarrazin

Results 39 comments of Charles Sarrazin

Hi @fnash. I guess the better approach might be to provide extension capabilities to the collector, in order to provide means to extend the current one. We could consider registering...

Good point, however that would be in another issue. Do you mind creating a new issue from your comment? That would be great! :)

Hi @coudenysj. Unfortunately that PR is incomplete. You also need to update _badge.sass, and re-generate the CSS file. Could you do that? Cheers!

Okay. I'll take over your PR, then :) No big deal! In any case, the minified CSS file not generated by CI, but needs to be added in the PR...

Hi @firegore! Currently, no adapter take into account the cache headers. The adapters can only be configured with a default cache duration. In any case, feel free to make a...

Hum, I think it would be interesting to provide a means to have plugins in the bundle itself.

Sure, no problem! Or this can be discussed here if you prefer. I don't really mind ;)

True. What I'd like to be able to do at some point is to let people configure middleware independently or override middleware configuration for a given client. One thing to...

Good point. I think we should simply ignore reserved characters for all operating systems, when fetching the path information from the URI.