Charles Sarrazin

Results 39 comments of Charles Sarrazin

What we can do there is simply change the reason to be an instance of an Exception type, which could then be handled by the log handler. I'm not sure,...

Hi @Ciloe, and sorry for the late answer. It seems that when you create a new repository on GitHub, you no longer automatically watch the repository, so you miss all...

When speaking about GraphQL, a different body means a different signature, and thus should be considered a different request. I think we should take all parts of the URI +...

Hey @ludofleury if this bundle, could you mark your package as abandoned on packagist and redirect to another bundle (misd, if speaking about guzzle 3) ? We still have an...

Hi @stephaneuh, the prometheus.yml is not part of the docker image itself, but is used in the docker-compose.yml file from the project. By the way, one of the reasons why...

Hi @jurschel , you might not have seen this yet, but this exporter is deprecated now that the Confluent Cloud metrics API provides a Prometheus-compatible endpoint. > DEPRECATED - Use...

@mevdschee @ludofleury @rvgate If any of you wish to contribute, there's always CsaGuzzleBundle, which supports Guzzle 4, 5 (on the 1.3 branch) and 6 (on the master branch). Btw, a...