Charles Sarrazin

Results 39 comments of Charles Sarrazin

The main reason for that I wish to encourage composition instead of inheritance. Meaning that instead of extending the Guzzle client, it would be better to wrap the client in...

Regarding services support, we can still discuss about it. The PR is not yet merged (it could be very soon, as the only blocking factor is adding as many tests...

It's actually already possible to do this, and it is documented in the client configuration documentation page. ``` yml csa_guzzle: clients: github_api: alias: my_client.service config: base_url: defaults: headers: Accept:...

Oh, you actually meant being able to specify an existing service defined somewhere else, and configure it using the bundle, right?

Hum, right now, you can already override the class, if needed, by providing the `class` argument in your client's configuration. But yes, it could be interesting. ``` yml csa_guzzle: clients:...

Hum, this will be complicated, and it may prove difficult to prevent BC on such a feature. I would suggest to take the problem by the other side, by using...

Possible. But in that case, I would actually inject the configured API client, instead. :)