Chris Krenn
Chris Krenn
@patcon & @metasoarous, what is the interest and importance of updating clojure packages? polis-math is using a postgres driver from 2010: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver » 8.4-702.jdbc4 (Oct 04, 2010). The...
* Currently, configuration variables live in many different files. * This pull request moves default configuration variables and documentation into a single `schema.yaml` file. * These values can be overridden...
@patcon (cc: @tamas-soos-toptal) This is a replacement of It doesn't require a makefile. I tried moving the `FROM polis_config AS config` statement later in the docker build process, but...
**Expected behavior**: `docker compose pull` or `docker-compose up --build` should work without much configuration. **Actual behavior**: ``` % docker compose pull WARN[0000] The "GIT_HASH" variable is not set. Defaulting to...
@FrankD412 & @jsemler, This is a beta version of a user defined linking system. It needs more documentation and tests, but I'd like your initial impressions. And, I also need...
@FrankD412 @jsemler This is a very simple extension to `maestro status` which will let users monitor the progress of large studies (100's of steps) more easily. It was written with...
@FrankD412, (cc: @jsemler) I have two coupled issues: 1. `maestro 1.1.8` won't work with long paths as global.parameters. (`maestro 1.1.9dev1` fixes this problem.) 2. `maestro 1.1.9dev1` won't work with [](,...
In pull request, some additional test cases would be helpful (but not required for merge): - [ ] index in front - [ ] index in middle - [...
@jsemler & @FrankD412, I know I've brought this up before, but it may have been by email. My request is to enable more flexible naming options for output directories. Currently...