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Update clojure packages

Open crkrenn opened this issue 4 years ago โ€ข 11 comments

@patcon & @metasoarous, what is the interest and importance of updating clojure packages?

polis-math is using a postgres driver from 2010: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver ยป 8.4-702.jdbc4 (Oct 04, 2010). The latest one is from June 2020.

There is an argument to not fixing what ain't broke, but I imagine that there are some bugs fixed and features added that might be beneficial.

crkrenn avatar Jul 04 '20 04:07 crkrenn

I'm just peanut gallery on this, so I'll leave it to @metasoarous :)

Fwiw, dependabot (which we're using to auto-update github-actions, npm, and docker versions) doesn't yet work for clojure -- otherwise we'd probably be talking about turning that on.

Related: https://github.com/snyk/snyk/issues/503 https://github.com/dependabot/dependabot-core/issues/572

@metasoarous how would you go about adding tests for the math component anyhow? Is that easy or worthwhile? (Happy to spin this out if it's a big convo)

patcon avatar Jul 04 '20 05:07 patcon

Also, could run something like this in a github action check, to keep us honest:

  • https://github.com/rm-hull/lein-nvd
  • https://github.com/marketplace/actions/setup-clojure

patcon avatar Jul 04 '20 05:07 patcon

https://github.com/xsc/lein-ancient is another tool to consider.

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On July 3, 2020 at 10:46:03 PM PDT, Patrick Connolly [email protected] wrote:

Also, could run something like this in a github action check, to keep us honest:

  • https://github.com/rm-hull/lein-nvd
  • https://github.com/marketplace/actions/setup-clojure

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crkrenn avatar Jul 04 '20 18:07 crkrenn

Rough strategy to get lay of landscape:

  1. Checked for updates via lein ancient
  2. Upgraded all possible packages (not tested) https://gist.github.com/patcon/8ade9b4cb717b100d5d05682e36058a6
  3. Ran lein nvd check to see if any critical vulns even at newest versions (nevermind code updates to get working)

There ended up being a few packages with many critical vulns, which means that they've become behind on maintenance, as even the newest versions have some vulnerable dependencies. These are the ones most worth considering moving away from imho, when considering pkg updates.

First two columns are output of nvd check, and other two are tracking originating package and remediation details.


dependency status origin pkg alt pkg
aws-java-sdk-opsworkscm-1.11.698.jar CVE-2015-8559 amazonica
aws-java-sdk-sagemaker-1.11.698.jar CVE-2007-0896, CVE-2006-4711 amazonica
batik-css-1.9.1.jar CVE-2018-8013 incanter/incanter-svg
bcprov-jdk14-1.46.jar CVE-2018-1000613, CVE-2018-5382, CVE-2016-1000352, CVE-2016-1000344, CVE-2015-794... incanter/incanter-pdf
bcprov-jdk15on-1.52.jar CVE-2018-1000613, CVE-2016-1000352, CVE-2016-1000344, CVE-2016-1000342, CVE-2016-... metasoarous/oz
c3p0- CVE-2018-20433 korma
dom4j-1.6.1.jar CVE-2020-10683, CVE-2018-1000632 ???
google-closure-library-0.0-20160609-f42b4a24.jar CVE-2020-8910 semantic-csv
jackson-databind- CVE-2018-14721, CVE-2018-14720, CVE-2018-19360, CVE-2018-19361, CVE-2018-19362 amazonica
jetty-server-9.2.10.v20150310.jar CVE-2017-7657, CVE-2017-7658, CVE-2017-9735, CVE-2017-7656, CVE-2018-12536, CVE-2019-10247, CVE-2019-10241 ring-jetty-component
jetty-util-9.2.10.v20150310.jar CVE-2019-10247, CVE-2019-10241 ring-jetty-component
maven-aether-provider-3.0.4.jar CVE-2013-0253 metasoarous/oz
maven-model-3.0.4.jar CVE-2013-0253 metasoarous/oz
maven-model-builder-3.0.4.jar CVE-2013-0253 metasoarous/oz
maven-repository-metadata-3.0.4.jar CVE-2013-0253 metasoarous/oz
msgpack-0.6.12.jar CVE-2020-5234 metasoarous/oz
netty-transport-4.1.25.Final.jar CVE-2020-11612, CVE-2019-20444, CVE-2019-20445, CVE-2019-16869 metasoarous/oz
plexus-utils-2.0.6.jar CVE-2017-1000487, Directory traversal in org.codehaus.plexus.util.Expand, Possible XML Injection metasoarous/oz
poi-3.9.jar CVE-2017-5644, CVE-2017-12626, CVE-2014-9527, CVE-2014-3529, CVE-2014-3574, CVE-2016-5000, CVE-2019-12415 clj-excel docjure
protobuf-java-2.6.1.jar CVE-2015-5237 amazonica
react-16.3.2-0.jar CVE-2018-6341 metasoarous/oz
react-dom-16.3.2-0.jar CVE-2018-6341 metasoarous/oz
react-dom-server-16.3.2-0.jar CVE-2018-6341 metasoarous/oz
sente-1.13.1.jar CVE-2019-1000022 metasoarous/oz
vega-tooltip-0.17.0-0.jar CVE-2019-10806 metasoarous/oz
  • metasoarous/oz depends on aleph, which is having maintenance issues: https://github.com/ztellman/aleph/issues/539

  • ring-jetty-component 0.3.1 depends on an old version of ring/ring-jetty-adapter 1.4.0, which has an update that hasn't been tagged and released: https://github.com/weavejester/ring-jetty-component/commit/7d68f84d7a23d14f6d97f349c448778c509e38cf

patcon avatar Jul 07 '20 06:07 patcon

Updating the java version from 1.7 to 1.8 in project.clj and system.properties would make deployment to heroku easier. Is there a reason not to do this?

crkrenn avatar Aug 04 '20 05:08 crkrenn

No objection, but can you clarify what's easier about 1.8? I thought either one was just a line in system.properties

patcon avatar Aug 04 '20 15:08 patcon

Ah, found your comment in https://github.com/pol-is/polis/issues/244#issuecomment-668394311 that explains ๐Ÿ‘

math also seems to be working after I bumped the java version from "1.7" to "1.8". I'm trying the same change in docker right now.

patcon avatar Aug 04 '20 17:08 patcon

1.8 works in heroku. 1.7 does not because some supporting packages in the default heroku build are compiled under 1.8 and are not backward compatible.

The math logs for the docker build with 1.8 look normal, but they are not very informative.


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On August 4, 2020 at 10:06:17 AM PDT, Patrick Connolly [email protected] wrote:

Ah, found your comment in #244 (comment)https://github.com/pol-is/polis/issues/244#issuecomment-668394311 that explains ๐Ÿ‘

math also seems to be working after I bumped the java version from "1.7" to "1.8". I'm trying the same change in docker right now.

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crkrenn avatar Aug 04 '20 17:08 crkrenn

Ah, seems this is likely that the files in math are out-of-date, and we already use openjdk8-jre :)


patcon avatar Aug 04 '20 17:08 patcon

@metasoarous in Gitter: https://gitter.im/pol-is/polisDeployment?at=5f2b0653028fac5e4d9ad609

a number of those packages (for incanter) should be removed. There's a tiny bit of code using them, but it needs to be stripped out.

patcon avatar Aug 05 '20 19:08 patcon

Thanks for putting this out there @crkrenn. And @patcon for digging into the dep tree.

This is definitely something we should tackle. I can update those Oz dependencies. Also, Incanter should really be removed as it's defunct, and I think it's just one or two utility functions using it. We should be using the tech.ml stack now (see the analysis repo). I actually have a few of these changes in progress on a local checkout from some data-poking I was doing recently, so I'll try to wrap that up.

For the record though, a lot of these vulnerabilities don't really apply to the math worker as it never receives direct traffic from the web. But, that's not a good reason not to keep things up to date, and if someone got onto a machine, some of these vulnerabilities could presumably be problematic.

Thanks again!

metasoarous avatar Aug 05 '20 19:08 metasoarous

Some work was recently done on this here which we should look at pulling in: https://github.com/DFE-Digital/polis-whitelabel/pull/51

metasoarous avatar Jan 31 '23 23:01 metasoarous