Should be taken care of in #628 / #682 Edit: may actually be reserved to the atmos rework afterwards...
Something else I notice about beeps is, occupied inventory slots have a dark background while unoccupied inventory slots do NOT have a dark background... the dark background is is nice...
I'm not sure this is needed. Most physical interactions will be within a short range which makes logical sense. While most of the interactions not bound by this distance are...
If this does get implemented, it should be made a user setting so people who do not want it can turn it off.
Seems we may be doing a 'specific placement' system in addition to the normal (ss13 like) placement system. The specific one will allow users to more accurately choose where to...
Related to #399 (Cell Charger Display)
#399 was implemented by so I recommend when you implement the Power Cell Display to check that out as your starting point.
Related to #591 & #535
> Item's materials render weirdly, in the case of glass and emission they are either invisible or not rendered as wanted. This has now been updated in #861. Emission is...
This will likely need #326 done first or done with this...