Corey Lowman

Results 78 issues of Corey Lowman

Please add crate to category: Neural Networks If you're open to multiple categories, I think dfdx could also be added to Reinforcement Learning (I have some examples of a Deep...

Tracking issue for next release - [x] #34 - [x] #55 - [ ] #1 - [ ] #67 - [x] #123 - [ ] #115 - [x] #111 -...

Unit tests should be easy to scan. large arrays make this almost impossible and add a lot of bloat. _Originally posted by @coreylowman in

Closes #1 - [x] Add tests for conv2d & batch_conv2d - [x] Add tests for Conv2D layer - [ ] Add example file - [ ] Clean up implementation

This has been lightly discussed in some of the PRs as confusion has come up. Probably will want to link this in the README too, as I imagine this will...



This would be used for matmuls & transformer implementations. ~~The hard thing about this is how to do this without moving data around a lot.~~ I believe other frameworks just...