Corey Lowman

Results 78 issues of Corey Lowman

Related to #9 Since cuda operations can all fail, all the tensor operations/device level ops will need to return a result. I think this can be done in a non-breaking...


This would likely use something like rayon under the hood to run operations inside a threadpool

Related to #9 This would mainly be used for element-wise operations, where the existing rust closures are specified at the element level. This method would be preferred over specifying both...


Apparently, channels last image format improves efficiency a lot (see pytorch recen blog Need to investigate: 1. How much this helps convolutions 2. How confusing this would be for...


First used in #182 I think the Index, Recurse, Broadcast could be used directly for it


- Remove certain things from prelude - make internal crate files not use blanket import (this makes it hard when browsing from non-editors to see where things come from)


Related to #78 #153 Closes #149 Changes: 1. Adds `trait ModuleMut` which has `fn forward_mut(&mut self, input: Input)`. 2. Removes ResetParams and CanUpdateWithGradients from requirements of Module 3. impl ModuleMut...

- Delete a couple of the more redundant ones - Add broadcasting/reductions/select examples (maybe into tensor? - Prefix examples with numbers to indicate order in which to go through the...


dfdx should have a set of easy to use datasets built in (with an optional feature). Things like: - mnist - cifar10 - coco (maybe?) - imagenet/imagenette - some language...