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Convolution mega issue

Open coreylowman opened this issue 2 years ago • 15 comments

coreylowman avatar May 07 '22 13:05 coreylowman

A somewhat clear implementation using im2col in darknet: https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet/blob/master/src/convolutional_layer.c#L445

coreylowman avatar May 28 '22 21:05 coreylowman

Another here https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/aten/src/ATen/native/Im2Col.cpp

coreylowman avatar May 29 '22 15:05 coreylowman

Since doing expressions with const generics isn't stable, the first thought of how to implement this won't work.

tracking issue: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/76560

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Conv2D<
    const IN_CHANNELS: usize,
    const OUT_CHANNELS: usize,
    const KERNEL_SIZE: usize,
    const STRIDE: usize = 1,
    const PADDING: usize = 0,
> {
    bias: Tensor1D<OUT_CHANNELS>,

        const IN_CHANNELS: usize,
        const OUT_CHANNELS: usize,
        const KERNEL_SIZE: usize,
        const STRIDE: usize,
        const PADDING: usize,
        const WIDTH: usize,
        const HEIGHT: usize,
    > Module<Tensor3D<IN_CHANNELS, HEIGHT, WIDTH>>
    type Output = Tensor3D<
        { (HEIGHT + 2 * PADDING - KERNEL_SIZE) / STRIDE + 1 }, // This doesn't compile
        { (WIDTH + 2 * PADDING - KERNEL_SIZE) / STRIDE + 1 }, // This doesn't compile
    fn forward(&self, input: Tensor3D<IN_CHANNELS, HEIGHT, WIDTH>) -> Self::Output {

coreylowman avatar May 29 '22 16:05 coreylowman

Another option is to make in/out height/width part of the Conv2D specification. It's a tooooon of generic parameters though... Also unclear how to verify that all the parameters are valid (e.g. applying the kernel size/stride/padding to in height/width gives you out height/width)

coreylowman avatar May 29 '22 16:05 coreylowman

im2col is also going to require pre-specifying the size until const generic expressions become stable:

fn im2col<
    const IN_CHANNELS: usize,
    const IN_HEIGHT: usize,
    const IN_WIDTH: usize,
    const OUT_CHANNELS: usize,
    const OUT_HEIGHT: usize,
    const OUT_WIDTH: usize,
    const KERNEL_SIZE: usize,
    const STRIDE: usize,
    const PADDING: usize,
    let mut output = Tensor2D::zeros();

coreylowman avatar May 30 '22 15:05 coreylowman

Am going to work on this for nightly compilers only in the branch 1-conv-nightly branch

coreylowman avatar May 31 '22 20:05 coreylowman

To read later: https://sahnimanas.github.io/post/anatomy-of-a-high-performance-convolution/

coreylowman avatar Jul 14 '22 22:07 coreylowman

A rust crate to check out: https://github.com/Conzel/convolutions-rs

coreylowman avatar Jul 14 '22 22:07 coreylowman

Downside of convolution-rs is that it uses ndarray and probably ends up allocating (which is why the reported benchmarks are so slow.

My current plan is to implement conv2d, im2col, and col2im using slices, so no const generics. Then the Conv2D layer will be a thin wrapper around that with just the input & output sizes using const generics.

Here is the initial version of conv2d function. Still need to test it more:

pub fn conv2d(inp: &[f32], weight: &[f32], bias: &[f32], out: &mut [f32], cfg: ConvConfig) {
    let m = cfg.channels_out;
    let k = cfg.channels_in * cfg.kernel_size * cfg.kernel_size;
    let n = cfg.height_out() * cfg.width_out();

    // weight: (channels_out, channels_in * kernel_size * kernel_size)
    // col: (channels_in * kernel_size * kernel_size, height_out * width_out)
    // out: (channels_out, height_out * width_out)

    assert_eq!(inp.len(), cfg.channels_in * cfg.height_in * cfg.width_in);
    assert_eq!(weight.len(), cfg.channels_out * k);
    assert_eq!(bias.len(), cfg.channels_out);
    assert_eq!(out.len(), cfg.channels_out * n);

    let mut col = cfg.allocate_col::<f32>();
    im2col(inp, col.as_mut(), cfg);

    for i in 0..cfg.channels_out {
        out[i * n..(i + 1) * n].fill(bias[i]);

    unsafe {

I think it could also be nice to have Conv2D allocate space for the col space instead of reallocating every forward call.

coreylowman avatar Jul 15 '22 15:07 coreylowman

Another option is to make in/out height/width part of the Conv2D specification. It's a tooooon of generic parameters though... Also unclear how to verify that all the parameters are valid (e.g. applying the kernel size/stride/padding to in height/width gives you out height/width)

would it be possible to create a proc_macro that takes the generic parameters as an input and returns a compile error if the parameters are invalid or returns nothing if the parameters are ok? I'll try to create such a crate

M1ngXU avatar Jul 20 '22 10:07 M1ngXU

Another option is to make in/out height/width part of the Conv2D specification. It's a tooooon of generic parameters though... Also unclear how to verify that all the parameters are valid (e.g. applying the kernel size/stride/padding to in height/width gives you out height/width)

would it be possible to create a proc_macro that takes the generic parameters as an input and returns a compile error if the parameters are invalid or returns nothing if the parameters are ok? I'll try to create such a crate

ok, that was a dumb idea because all the proc macro receives is the generic parameter, but not its value :/

M1ngXU avatar Jul 20 '22 15:07 M1ngXU

Downside of convolution-rs is that it uses ndarray and probably ends up allocating (which is why the reported benchmarks are so slow.

My current plan is to implement conv2d, im2col, and col2im using slices, so no const generics. Then the Conv2D layer will be a thin wrapper around that with just the input & output sizes using const generics.

Here is the initial version of conv2d function. Still need to test it more:

pub fn conv2d(inp: &[f32], weight: &[f32], bias: &[f32], out: &mut [f32], cfg: ConvConfig) {
    let m = cfg.channels_out;
    let k = cfg.channels_in * cfg.kernel_size * cfg.kernel_size;
    let n = cfg.height_out() * cfg.width_out();

    // weight: (channels_out, channels_in * kernel_size * kernel_size)
    // col: (channels_in * kernel_size * kernel_size, height_out * width_out)
    // out: (channels_out, height_out * width_out)

    assert_eq!(inp.len(), cfg.channels_in * cfg.height_in * cfg.width_in);
    assert_eq!(weight.len(), cfg.channels_out * k);
    assert_eq!(bias.len(), cfg.channels_out);
    assert_eq!(out.len(), cfg.channels_out * n);

    let mut col = cfg.allocate_col::<f32>();
    im2col(inp, col.as_mut(), cfg);

    for i in 0..cfg.channels_out {
        out[i * n..(i + 1) * n].fill(bias[i]);

    unsafe {

I think it could also be nice to have Conv2D allocate space for the col space instead of reallocating every forward call.

this sounds as a good solution to me, though I'd probably make this function private and call it with another function that does the assertions (since no checks are required with generic_const_expr).

M1ngXU avatar Jul 20 '22 16:07 M1ngXU

Currently looking around for a good reference implementation for backward operation. I've gathered that "conv transpose" is part of it (both from pytorch ConvTranspose2d documentation, and convolution-rs also includes an impl for conv transpose that mentions backward).

Edit: I think the pytorch backward is this? https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/aten/src/ATen/native/Convolution.cpp#L1520

coreylowman avatar Jul 21 '22 22:07 coreylowman

Currently looking around for a good reference implementation for backward operation. I've gathered that "conv transpose" is part of it (both from pytorch ConvTranspose2d documentation, and convolution-rs also includes an impl for conv transpose that mentions backward).

Edit: I think the pytorch backward is this? https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/aten/src/ATen/native/Convolution.cpp#L1520

you can have a look at this one: https://pavisj.medium.com/convolutions-and-backpropagations-46026a8f5d2c

M1ngXU avatar Jul 22 '22 10:07 M1ngXU

Other resources:

  • https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.07285
  • https://gist.github.com/yxlao/ef50416011b9587835ac752aa3ce3530
  • deeplearning.cs.cmu.edu/S21/document/slides/Lec12.CNN4.pdf

coreylowman avatar Jul 26 '22 12:07 coreylowman