Saleem Abdulrasool

Results 121 comments of Saleem Abdulrasool

Hmm, I guess for the tests we could just interposition the query functions and replace the returned value. Either way, it would be nice to be able to test this,...

Thank you :) Yes, the classes are currently intentionally marked as `public`. The only thing that would be preventative for changing classes to `open` is that they need to be...

@tomaszpieczykolan would you mind rebasing the change? I think that the new features that I've enabled will be nice to take advantage of.

I that that when the class is being marked `open`, we need to ensure that the members are properly marked as `open` as well, which is not the case yet....

Ah, you mean the reference to the `Button` instance? You cannot do that directly; the way to accomplish that is by squirreling away the pointer into `GWLP_USERDATA`. There are a...

CC: @egorzhdan @tomaszpieczykolan This defines the rest of the `ViewController` interface and open's it up for other modules to re-open the type. However, there are many missing interfaces that are...

Thanks for the patch @yostane! Does this not break the current mechanism for handling events? I think that the long term solution here is to use gesture recognizers and attach...

Yeah, I think that would be the best middle ground where we dont have the desired state, but keep the ability to detect the click. I think that follow ups...