Saleem Abdulrasool

Results 121 comments of Saleem Abdulrasool

Well, that's really the beauty of what we managed to get done with the release :) The entire reason for the MSI was to actually avoid the commands. It is...

Ugh, the build failed for a different reason: ``` D:\a\swift-doc\swift-doc\WiX\swift-doc.wxs(3): error CNDL0108: The Product/@Version attribute's value, '1.0.0-rc.1', is not a valid version. Legal version values should look like 'x.x.x.x' where...

@mattt - oh, thats a good idea. I don't have the artifact, but its easy to get, cause you built it already! has the MSI!

I really would prefer to leave it as is. The file works as is and this really does help simplify usage in projects as well (for deployment on GitHub Actions).

Bleh, correction - it _almost_ works. It seems that something is not entirely correct. A previous build ( seems to work, however, the version from the MSI doesn't ( ......

CC: @mattt - what do you think of this as a workaround for the versioning issue? Could you please cut another release?

Just a note that this change will require a code change as well here:

So, I think that `help` is one case that is odd (`-?`, `/?` and `--help` are common, `-h` less so on Windows). In general, the really interesting thing is that...

There are a few different things being discussed here. @rahulbhalley I think that supporting ASi is a completely different task from using stock toolchains. The work required for both is...

> Seeing as this PR is stale, I'm going to comment about something the people involved with this PR ought to know about. I know this might not be the...